Editing Slides

Customize your font and edit slides to get the look that you want for your presentation.

Andrew Hartman avatar
Written by Andrew Hartman
Updated over a week ago

1. Entering Text Edit Mode: Precise editing starts with accessing the right tools:

  • Slide Editing: Double-click on the slide you want to edit. This action will switch you into the slide's edit mode.

  • Text Box Selection: Once in edit mode, double-click directly into the text box that you wish to modify. This will highlight the text and activate the text editing toolbar.

2. Reshaping Your Text's Appearance: Adjusting size and position for optimal layout and design:

  • Size Adjustments: Select the text you wish to resize. Look for the font size dropdown in the editing toolbar.

  • Recentering Text: Click on the text box and drag it to reposition, or use alignment tools to center it within the slide or relative to other elements.

3. Replicating Text Elements: When you need consistent formatting across different slides or elements:

  • Cloning Text Boxes: Use the standard copy (Command + C or Ctrl + C) and paste (Command + V or Ctrl + V) commands to replicate your text box. This is useful for maintaining consistent formatting across multiple slides.

  • Toolbar Duplication: You can also duplicate within the edit box.

4. Organizing Text Layering: Define which text takes prominence on your slide:

  • Layering Options: Right-click on the text box or look for layering options in your toolbar to send a text box to the back or bring it to the front. This is particularly useful when working with overlapping elements.

5. Styling with Fonts and Colors: Choosing the right font and color can convey the tone and importance of your message:

  • Selecting the Right Font: Sidekick Beta likely offers a variety of fonts. Choose one that aligns with your presentation's tone – a serif font for something traditional, or a sans-serif for a modern look.

  • Color Palette: Change the text color by selecting the color option in the toolbar. White is a universal choice for readability against darker backgrounds, but don't hesitate to match text colors with your presentation theme.

6. Emphasizing with Text Styling: Sometimes, certain text needs to stand out for emphasis or readability:

  • Bold, Italics, Underline: Use these styling options to draw attention to key points. For instance, bold headings can distinguish them from body text.

  • Alignment for Readability: Text alignment tools are essential for a clean look. Align your text left, right, or center according to the design (using the markers in the slide) and flow of your slide.

7. Removing Unnecessary Text: Keep your slides uncluttered:

  • Deleting Text Boxes: If a text box is no longer needed, simply select it and press the delete key.

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